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What to Expect During ReLEx SMILE Surgery

What to Expect During ReLEx Smile Surgery

There have been many innovations and refinements since the first successful laser eye surgery in 1988. Today, ReLEx SMILE represents the most advanced and patient-friendly laser vision correction procedure available. 

Dr. Randa Garrana and our team at Advanced Lasik are proud to be part of the small but growing ranks of premier refractive surgery practices offering ReLEx SMILE to our patients. 

The SMILE procedure (short for small incision lenticule extraction) treats patients with visual impairments including astigmatism and nearsightedness with a surgery that takes only about 10 minutes per eye. 

Let’s take a closer look at SMILE surgery, including what you can expect from your procedure. 

How is SMILE surgery different?

SMILE uses a femtosecond laser with an extremely short duration energy pulse, the same type of laser used to create the cornea flap used in LASIK procedures. However, SMILE takes a different approach that needs no flap. 

Instead, SMILE uses the laser to create a bubble of tissue called a lenticule, which is removed through a tiny incision less than four millimeters (mm) long, qualifying it as a minimally invasive “keyhole” procedure. In contrast, LASIK requires an incision of up to 20 mm. 

Removing these carefully calculated lenticules permits the cornea to reshape itself into a profile that bends light to focus on the retina, relieving your vision refraction and allowing you to see clearly without corrective lenses.  

Before your ReLEx SMILE procedure

Dr. Garrana confirms during a pre-surgical consultation that the SMILE procedure is suitable for both your refractive error and your general health. Some patients would better matched with other vision correction techniques, particularly those who: 

Dr. Garrana reviews and, if necessary, adjusts the medications you take based on how these might affect the procedure or your recovery. We’ll also give you detailed instructions on preparing for your SMILE procedure. 

What to expect during SMILE surgery

During the procedure itself, Dr. Garrana uses the laser to form and remove the lenticule. There’s no need for a flap or stitches, and the tiny incision for removing the lenticule heals within 48 hours. 

The laser portion of the SMILE technique takes only about 30 seconds and each eye is treated in a matter of minutes, since there’s little physical impact on the eyes themselves.

Because of medication to numb your eyes, you’ll need to arrange for a ride to and from our office for this outpatient procedure. After your SMILE surgery, resting is your priority. 

You’ll want to avoid getting water in your eyes for several days after your procedure, but otherwise, you can return to your normal routine in a day or two. 

While many patients notice immediate vision improvement, it may take several days or even a few weeks to attain clear, stable vision.

Is ReLEx SMILE surgery right for you?

To learn more about ReLEx SMILE corrective eye surgery, request an appointment today with Advanced Lasik at your nearest office in Long Beach, California, or the Midtown East section of New York City. Better vision could start today, so plan your visit now.

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